On Friday 11 October 2002 04:13 pm, Henri Yandell wrote:
> Here's my list of things I mean to get around to adding soon:
> 1) Notifier class. I need a better name for this. Basically it's a helper
> that uses reflection [used to use Notifiable interface, but I decided it
> wasn't worth it, possibly wants to do both] to help a developer create an
> event/listener list.
> It handles the notifying and the queueing etc and the developer just has
> to tell it what method or Listener to use [or both if Listener has
> multiple method signatures].
This sounds interesting and useful.

> 2) Mutable primitive classes. Pondered this at the hospital today. Do we
> want such things? new MutableInteger();   mi.setValue(42); etc. Same for
> MutableString.
I'm not so sure about Mutable value classes. I'd want to see a use case for 
them first. IOW, what does it gain over this.value = new Integer(42)?
If there's shared mutable state, I think it's usually within the same class. I 
don't see the utility of a mutable Integer that's shared between unrelated 
classes. And within the same class, I'd think just using members is more 

> 3) Constant. I'm still unsure if this is good or not :) It's been in and
> out and in etc. My reasons for deciding it was shit was cuz I wanted to
> use == when I initially grew to love it and RMI/Java means I have to use
> .equals. But Enum makes that same choice. So is a simple-enum concept
> needed.
I think Enum lets you use == as well as equals(). At least, it works for 
serialization.  Am I missing something?

> 4) Pair. Is this Collections? Dunno. Anyway, pairs seem to be nice
> sometimes. I only have one because I was porting the lisp examples to Java
> from the lisp book [yep, i'm that sick].
> 5) StopWatch. Currently this is in [util], but as its basically a wrapper
> for System.currentLongTimeBlah I thought I'd mention it.
Considering how often I write stopwatches inline, I think it sounds useful. 
It's not that it's hard, it's that it's repetetetetive. 

> That's all that's springing to mind right now.
> Hen

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