hi Michael

i'm pretty sure that it's a lack of capability in the code. i have been meaning to revise this area but i've been held by by some classloader problems in maven that meant i couldn't write the test cases i needed.

these problems now seems to be resolved so i'll try to find time to take another look.

- robert

On Sunday, October 27, 2002, at 08:10 PM, Michael Davey wrote:


I am having a problem with betwixt and I am not sure whether it is a bug or lack of unserstanding. I am trying to write an inner class as XML, using BeanWriter and a *.betwixt configuration file. Neither the outer nor the inner class extend XMLBeanInfo or BeanInfo, however the inner class does have public mutators and accessors.

The problem is that XMLIntrospector (actually ElementDescriptor.hasAttributes()) does not see the 'id' attribute for my inner class when looking for the ID/IDREF attribute (getIDAttribute()) while preparing to write the class. The introspector does see the attribute later, when looking for other elements and attributes to write out. The result is that a sequential id is used rather than the id provided by getId() in my inner class (actually, both are written).

I've attached a testcase that demonstrates the problem. Untar it from the base directory (the the directory with build.xml). Please note that the tar contains a modified version of src/test/org/apache/commons/betwixt/xmlunit/XmlTestCase.java

Does this look like user error or a bug?

Also, I had problems running the test target from build.xml. The basedir seems to be set incorrectly. I've attached a patch in case I am right.

-- Michael

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