But I don't see the jakarta projects, just the top level ones line httpd ...

Jeffrey Dever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 29/10/2002 07:07:17 PM:

Is anyone using Eclipse to access the CVS repository? I have able to add a CVS location for cvs.apache.org, but the repository location is unclear. There is /x1/home/cvs/jakarta-commons and /home/cvs/jakarta-commons but there are no CVSROOT directories in them.

1) is cvs.apache.org:home/cvs/jakarta-commons the correct location for the cvs repository?
2) why are there no CVSROOT entries?

Hi Jeff,

I use eclipse regularly to access cvs.

host: cvs.apache.org
cvsroot: /home/cvs (if logging in with your apache id) or /home/cvspublic (if anoncvs'ing)

Then expand HEAD....

BTW: I'm a hardcore command line vim/ant type, but Eclipse is SO impressive that its no fun working at the command line anymore :-(

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Work: http://www.multitask.com.au
Developers: http://adslgateway.multitask.com.au/developers

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