On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Steven Caswell wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Henri Yandell [mailto:bayard@;generationjava.com]
> >
> > So you suggest that we no longer create zips/tar.gz's and
> > just put jars on a Maven repository and tell everyone that to
> > use a library they must build with Maven?
> Maven will generate the zips/tar.gz's, so others can still download the
> full distribution. Having [lang] mavenized would not force other
> projects to mavenize just to use the [lang] library.

That's the rub. Full distribution. I want something downloads the
dependencies as well, not just the lang distro but also anything that lang
is dependent on.

Maybe this means a better page than the current download page where users
just click from a list, something where you select something to download
and after you click on that it takes you to a page which lists the
dependencies and says 'do you have all of these?'.

> > What I'm looking for are ideas that will work with the
> > existing structure and not revolutions :) So, how can we
> > re-package our current code so that user's don't plough
> > every-time into the dependency hunt.
> >
> I believe Maven provides a great solution to this issue. The site that
> Maven generates does contain a list of a project release's dependencies
> (not that [lang] has any, but this is a nice standard place for a
> project to publish it's dependency list). Personally I'd love to see all
> of commons migrate toward Maven, for this very reason. It provides
> standard documentation and a standard way to build projects.

It still is far away in this respect though. The site has no standardised
download ability. [I'd love to add such a thing, and hope that a thread
like this could decide what that standardised downloading is.]

> And for a project like [lang], Maven is not all that revolutionary. I
> Mavenized a similar commons-type project at my work with very little
> effort. And the bang for the buck was incredible.

Agreed. Lang is mavenised, I use maven at work now accross the board.
Gotta learn reactor though still.

However, Maven isn't really the solution here. We have to assume that our
users are not using Maven. Thus we need to offer a download/install
process which handles the dependency issue without forcing them to enter
the maven-user world.

The fact that thigns like Collections are not wanting to be dependent on
another project [ie Lang] because it confuses the user is a sign that
somethign is very wrong.


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