Perhaps you would like to send a patch for ArrayIterator.

Also, an ArrayListIterator would be very welcome for the iterators package.
If you are writing it, perhaps you would consider submitting it together
with the associated patch to IteratorUtils?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil O'Toole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've been using the o.a.c.collections packages for a few months, and I
> want to applaud you guys for some fantastic work.
> I do have a question: forgive me if this has been discussed before
> (though I couldn't find it in the mail archive), but is there a
> particular reason why the member variables in the
> o.a.c.collections.iterators classes are private instead of being
> protected? In general, why would you want to do this, as it prevents
> subclassing? A particular case: I wanted to created an
> ArrayListIterator that subclasses ArrayIterator and implements the
> ListIterator interface. With protected member access it is a simple and
> elegant implementation to subclass ArrayIterator.
> Thoughts on the matter?
> - Neil O'Toole
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