Comments inline

> =============================================
> [DRAFT] Proposal for a Functor Component
> (0) rationale
> A "functor" is an entity which serves the role of a function but can be
> operated upon like an object [Wiki].  It is a common object oriented
> design idiom.  For example, this concept surfaces in Smalltalk and Ruby as
> blocks and in C++ as function pointers.  In Java functors are typically
> implemented as interfaces defined by a single, generic member function.
> Functors support a number of interesting and powerful design strategies,
> including command, visitor and factory-related design patterns [GOF95],
> functional programming [FP], higher order functions (functions that take
> functions as parameters) and various generic and modular programming
> techniques.
> Several functor implementations and variations exist within Java projects
> at Apache and within Jakarta-Commons in particular.  A shared
> implementation of the functor-related interfaces, common functors and
> functor utilities will support greater re-use and interoperability between
> these implementations and extensions.
> [Wiki] -
> [GOF95] - "Design Patterns" by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides. ISBN 
> [FP] -
> (1) scope of the package
> The component shall create and maintain common functor and functor-related
> interfaces, implementations and utilities written in the Java language to
> be distributed under the ASF license, for use and extension by other
> Jakarta-Commons, Jakarta, and Apache components, as well as for the
> greater Java community.
> (1.5) interaction with other packages
> Functor's dependencies upon other components and external libraries should
> be minimal.

...or 'none'? or 'absolutely minimal'? I think that a separate Functor package will 
fail should it be dependent on others.

> Other components and projects that apply the functor idiom are encouraged
> but not required to use and extend the Functor implementation.
> (2) identify the initial source from which the subproject is to be
> populated
> The Functor component will be initially populated with source derived,
> copied, or moved from existing functor-related code available in
> Jakarta-Commons.  Some non-normative examples include the Closure,
> Factory, Predicate, and Factory interfaces and some of the related

Closure, Factory, Predicate, Factory... two kind of factories ? ;-) (I guess you mean 

> utilities in commons-collections, the org.apache.commons.lang.functor
> package of commons-lang, as well as recent relevant submissions that have
> not yet found a place in Jakarta-Commons.
> (2.1) identify the base name for the package
> org.apache.commons.functor
> (2.2) identify the coding conventions for this package
> The code follows the conventions of the general Jakarta-Commons project.
> (3) identify any Jakarta-Commons resources to be created
> (3.1) mailing list
> Until traffic justifies, the package will use the Jakarta-Commons list for
> communications.
> (3.2) CVS repositories
> For the time being, the package will use a root branch of the
> Jakarta-Commons CVS, for example, "jakarta-commons/functor".
> (3.3) Bugzilla
> The package should be listed as a component of under the Jakarta-Commons
> Bugzilla entry.
> (4) identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the Status File.
> (There are clearly many interested parties here. I'm loathe to list them
> for fear of missing someone central.  Count me in. Feel free to volunteer
> yourself in response to this draft.)
> =============================================
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