Hi; I had written to the -user list about this subject a couple of days ago,
and Henri Yandell expressed some interest, so I'll carry the nascent thread
over here.

I have a weird requirement at my real job related to Java bean graphs.  For
reasons that owe much more to bad web services design than anything else, I
find I need to take two Java bean graphs--one which started out as a clone
of the other--and extract in some fashion only those paths that reflect how
the second graph differs from the first.  Think of the diff program applied
to Java beans: the output, or a derivative of that output, would describe
only what modifications would need to be made to the first graph to make it
become the second graph.

I figured that this would make an interesting add-on to BeanUtils.  There
also seem to be some JXPath-ish bits in here.  Is there interest in the
BeanUtils/commons community for such a facility?


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