On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Gary Gregory wrote:

> Hello Allm
> About:
> >org.apache.commons.lang.functor.*
> >  Functor interfaces, grown from initial versions in Collections and
> Patterns.
> Does the introduction of this new package mean that Commons Collection will
> depend on Commons Lang, if not, why not? It would seem to me that creating
> such a dependency would truly validate this new package, not to speak of
> reducing code bloat for those of use using multiple Jakarta libraries.

It would be intended that Commons Collections would deprecate in favour of
the larger set of functors in Lang as I think the functors in Collections
form a subset of the ones in Lang.

> I would find it very useful if the documentation for a Jakarta library
> specified the direction it was taking WRT integration with other Jakarta
> libraries. I recognize that different components have grown from different
> needs at different times but I would like to see more thought given to the
> Jakarta suite as a whole. Is there someone overseing this or does each
> component live on its own?

Some are quite tied as they have the same committers on each. For example,
Stephen and I are both on Lang and Collections. Stephen is on Clazz as
well, while Robert is on Lang and BeanUtils [and Digester and others].

These projects are definitely not classic benevelont dictator projects,
like Linux, or even Jelly [James Strachan(?)], Maven [Jason van Zyl] or
the early Ant [James Duncan Davidson], so having someone with an overall
vision/oversight of the future would probably be resisted.

Rodney has posted good reasons as to why having one large project with all
the reusable bits in together has large negative aspects, so I think you
can expect to see the projects continue to exist with overlapping


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