On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 07:33 AM, Martin Cooper wrote:
> > On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> >
> >> we've had some requests from users who wanted to download a file upload
> >> release. it'd be good to have a definite release for file upload even if
> >> it's only an alpha or a beta. i don't really have much idea about what's
> >> holding a release up but if it's the lack of a release manager, i'd be
> >> willing to volunteer.
> >
> > Sorry, I've been "off air" for a few days.
> >
> > Yes, we should probably get a beta release out sooner rather than later.
> > IMHO, we can reasonably skip alpha, since both Struts and Turbine have
> > been using this component for a while.
> >
> > I had been anticipating doing the RM thing, and am still willing to step
> > up to the plate.
> excellent :)
> > There are basically three issues holding up a *final*
> > release of FileUpload:
> >
> > 1) Two outstanding bugs in Bugzilla that need to be addressed.
> > 2) Lack of comprehensive unit tests. What's there now is very limited.
> > 3) Lack of documentation & web site organisation (e.g. download links).
> >
> > We can probably shoot for a beta release without these being resolved,
> > although we really do need to sort out the web site. What's there now is
> > a
> > bare-bones Maven-generated site, and at this time I don't know enough
> > about how Maven generates sites to know how to get this into shape.
> > Seemingly simple things like modifying the navigation bar, and getting the
> > window title to say what I want it to say, are still a mystery to me.
> >
> > If someone more Maven-savvy than myself is willing to help sort out the
> > web site, and, in particular, add download links for the nightly builds,
> > and a slot for links to a forthcoming beta, then I think we could get a
> > beta 1 release into the world in fairly short order.
> i'd be willing to sort out a basic site using maven if you're happy to
> have me aboard as a file upload committer.

Absolutely! Thanks!

Martin Cooper

> - robert
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