John Keyes wrote, On 06/02/2003 0.58:
I have grown disgruntled with CLIs current design so I have done
some thinking on the matter (BTW, I know I should have done
this before a 1.0 release).  Before I finish working on it
I thought I'd seek comments from you guys.  Check out the
class diagram at
and let me hear your comments.
Just a note about CLI.

Avalon has worked with Jakarta Commons so that we are able to move the projects that now rely on Excalibur CLI to Commons CLI, so remember your customers ;-)

One point that we would like to see is that commons logging is never a *hard* dependency. That means that if commons logging is not in the classpath, the package should be able to work correctly, even if with logging disabled.

Furthermore, there is a patch for a completely reflective version of CLI. What's the status of that?

Thanks :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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