Just curious, if this is the first release build ever, should it not be labeled Alpha1?

Martin Cooper wrote:

Here's my own +1.

Martin Cooper

On Sat, 8 Feb 2003, Martin Cooper wrote:

The FileUpload component has been stable for a while now, but available
only from nightly builds. It's time to create a milestone release against
which a final series of bug fixes and documentation updates can occur
before a FileUpload 1.0 Final release is created.

Therefore, I propose that the tip of the main trunk in CVS be released as
a FileUpload 1.0 Beta 1 release. I will act as the Release Manager.

Vote: FileUpload 1.0 Beta 1 Release Plan
[X] +1 I am in favor of the release, and will help support it.
[ ] +0 I am in favor of the release, but am unable to help support it.
[ ] -0 I am not in favor of the release.
[ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).

Martin Cooper

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