
I'm the lead developer of the Quartz project

Currently Quartz is building nightly as part of the GUMP process,
because a few Jakarta projects depend on it - Jelly is one them. (see
the org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.quartz package).

Over on the Quartz side of things, we're getting ready to start serious
development of a new release that will most likely not be 100% backward
compatible with the current builds.  This will obviously create the
potential for build problems with Jelly.

I'm curious as to whether the Jelly developer(s) responsible for the
jelly.tags.quartz package want to track my changes, or whether you'd
rather start building against a release version of Quartz (i.e. a fixed
Jar file), rather than a nightly build of Quartz.  I'm willing to work
with you either way.  I'll also be sending a similar e-mail to the
Turbine folks.


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