----- Original Message -----
From: "Mario Ivankovits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta Commons Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [DBCP] Please let us start to improve the connection pool

> 1) ThreadLocal
> This might not help anything, or do i oversee something?
> Thread A gets a connection from the pool
> Thread A loops until the abandoned connection interval is passed
> The connection will be passed back to the pool.
> Thread B gets a connection from the pool (the connection which was passed
> back automatically by some pool mechanism)
> Thread B starts a transaction
> Thread A wakes up from sleep and call "commit()"
> Thread B roll back transaction

I use thread locals this way in web applications :

MyServlet extends SomeServlet{

  void service(Request request, Response reslonse)throws
           Connection lazyConnctionWrapper =  decorate(getConection());
               super.service(request, response);
            }catch( Throwable t ){
                  ThreadLocalConnection.set(null);//not very usefull



class ThreadLocalConnection{
  static ThreadLocal connections = new ThreadLocal();

 static  Connection get(){
    Connection result  = connections.get();
      if(result == null ){
        throw IllegalStateExeption("no connection for current thread');
      }else {
        return result;

 static  void set(Connection connection){

ThreadLocalConnection.get() is used to get connection in application,
"lazyConnctionWrapper.close();//IfOpen();" is single place in application (s
ingle servlet) I need to close connection;
The same idea I use in JMS applications (single message listener/dispatcher
per application)

> Well, Thread A and B do always have their own TheadLocal and so, the
> do not "know", that the connection is abandoned.
> 2) Proxy
> Your proxy looks much more interesting, but i think, it does also not
> correctly handle the problem described above. The proxy do not "change"
> thread, only the connection does. For sure, i do not have much experiences
> with the java "Proxy" thinggy, but why should
>     if(  owner.get() == Thread.currentThread()  )
> ever by "not true", the thread is still alive.
> But maybe we could catch the method "passivate" and set the "connection"
> null, now the connection is really released.
> I have to try this.
> I my case, i can easy implement such method. We have only one central
> where we ge a connection from the pool, but i suggest this might not be
> correct for all sort of application out there. Such an application then
> problems to decorate the connection instance.
> At least, i do not understand why this should be more elegant, if it works
> EVERY application has to read the docs, and implement this. This is like
> "cut and paste" in an OO design, isnt it?
> Mario
> > class MySafeConnection implements InvokationHandler{
> >
> >   Connection connection;
> >   WeakReference owner;
> >
> >    MySafeConnection(Connection connection){
> >      this.connection = connection;
> >      owner = new WeakReference( Thread.currentThread() );
> >   }
> >
> >  Object invoke(Object obj, Method method, Object args[] ) throw
> >
> >     if(  owner.get() == Thread.currentThread()   ){
> >         method.invoke( connection, args );
> >      }else{
> >         throw new IllegalStateExeption();
> >    }
> >
> >  }
> >
> >  static Connection decorate(Connection connection){
> >
> >     return
> >
> >                                     new Class[] {Connection.class}, new
> > MySafeConnection(connection));
> >
> >   }
> >
> > }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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