From: "Alex Chaffee / Purple Technology" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There are a few nitpicky issues I'd like some consensus on:
> * StringEscapeUtils is a bit much to type for a quick static API call
>  -- should we rename it EscapeUtils?  It's not like there will be any
>  other type of Escape...
I prefer String EscapeUtils.

> * escapeJava now uses lowercase letters for hex codes.  Are there any
>  feelings about switching to capital letters?  I prefer caps (like
>  \uCAFE instead of \ucafe) but I could go either way.
I prefer upper case

> * I made use of (and thus contributed) my StringPrintWriter class.  Do
>  you think it's useful enough to make it part of the public API (and
>  add tests and docs for it)?
private at the moment. This is connected with the need for a better
StringBuffer class.

> * I think it'll be ready to roll for 2.0, but if we decide to
>  postpone, I'll have to change the build.xml to exclude it from the
>  jar.
I would like to see it included.


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