Base64, Hex, Soundex, and Metaphone are stable and ready for consumption.
The legacy Base64 implementation has been preserved in order to preserve
backwards compatibility for projects which currently depend upon codec 1.0.

Tim O'Brien 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan Hoegg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:55 AM
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: Re: commons codec and Base64
> Let's say it's "stabilizing".  The code there is also slated 
> for 2.0 of 
> Apache XML-RPC.  We have been the most recent project to work on that 
> code, but are coordinating with the HttpClient team on 
> agreeing on the 
> API.  The API is probably not stable as of now, but I'd love 
> to see your 
> ideas on it.
> The code has been examined quite closely for RFC compliance and 
> performance, so I would suggest using the Codec Base64 implementation 
> for that reason anyway.
> --
> Ryan Hoegg
> ISIS Networks
> Gary Gregory wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >What is the status of Sandbox-Commons-Codec?
> >
> >I see in the current HTTPClient (2.0 Alpha) Javadoc that 
> Codec will be 
> >used in HTTPC 2.1. Is Codec stable? I am looking for a Base64 
> >implementation and an API change in a deeply buried Xerces 
> base64 impl 
> >is making me look for a implementation which is more 
> 'public' or in a 
> >'higher' level package/component.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Gary
> >
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