I REALLY like the FileUpload tool - have had great success with RC1, and look forward to a production release.

However, I'm curious if the possibility of making the API model more consistent with the Request model of the Servlet API. There are a couple of things that I think would be handy in this regard:

1) For FileUpload to have getParemeter(String name) or getParameterValues(String name) - I think this can be implemented on top of the current API so that there are no backward-compatibility issues.
2) At LEAST working out a kink (IMHO) where multi-valued parameters actually appear as separate FileItems with the same value returned by getFieldName().

I suppose what I propose would look something like this:

DiskFileUpload upload = new DiskFileUpload();
// Now, rather than applying an Iterator to parseRequest,
// we still call the same method,
// but pull the individual items from the
// DiskFileUpload object itself
FileItem myfile = (FileItem)upload.getParameter("myfile");
// And this looks ALMOST like ServletRequest.getParameter(String name)
String lastname = (String)upload.getParameter("lastname");
String[] favoriteColours = upload.getParameterValues("favoritecolours");

Alternately, a getFileItem(String name) method could be added in order to shield the user from having to cast the result of getParameter(String name) to a FileItem - and this same method could wrap ordinary field values in FileItems similarly to the way they are returned in the Iterator.

I don't know if this possibility has been discussed or sounds useful to anybody else. I'll be happy to contribute where I can if there is any other interest in this change.

Will Stranathan


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