--- "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Al Chou wrote:
> > Finally, having used the Pietschmann root finder framework, I think it
> needs
> > some modification to make it more user-friendly.  As a lay user, I would
> have
> > been much happier dealing with Brent W.'s interface than Herr
> Pietschmann's,
> > which was kind of cumbersome.  I think, though, with a little slimming
> down, it
> > would be quite workable.
> I'm interested in hearung a few more details: what makes the
> framework cumbersome? Admittedly I didn't have time yet to
> look at Brent's framework.

Having to instantiate an instance of the solver class seemed unnecessary. 
Brent's approach was to make the solver class' constructor private so that you
simply call

RootFinding.bisection( f, a, b )

rather than do

RootFinding rootFinder = new RootFinding() ;
double root = rootFinder.bisection( f, a, b )  ;

That's a pretty easy change to make, although it prohibits the case of having
two solvers simultaneously with different accuracy requirements or suchlike. 
You'd have to

RootFinding.setAccuracy() ;

between calls to different function/solver bound pairs, but I don't see our
users needing to solve two equations with different accuracy requirements
anytime soon.


Albert Davidson Chou

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