On Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003, at 18:40 Europe/Dublin, Rob Oxspring wrote:

Attached is a patch that allows arguments to have specified a minimum and maximum number of values rather than just the previous
"size". An example of use might be where you are selecting a number of files for an operation but want to ensure that at least one
value was specified:


ArgumentBuilder.withSize(int) has been retained and sets both min and max to the same. (This might be a bad thing if both size and
min/max are specified though).
I think that we can remove withSize, if someone calls withMaximumSize then the
minSize should be set to 1 automatically. It should be explicit for someone to
specify a minimum size of 0 i.e. an optional value.

ArgumentBuilder.withOptionalValues(boolean) has been removed since its a function of the min and max values.

Argument.hasOptionalValues() has been retained and returns min<max
This should just return min == 0? If min is > 0 then that means a value is

Argument.getSize() has been removed and getMaximumSize() or getMinimumSize() should be used instead.

Thoughts welcome. If you want me to commit it myself then I'll need access to jakarta-commons first.
Thats brilliant. Thanks Rob. I'll look through the patch and make the changes
I specified here. I'll get it commited tomorrow at some stage. I'll also stick
the license on the testcase, no probs.

Thanks again,
-John K


Oh - and the extra testcase needs the apache licence attached, whoops.
<ArgumentMinAndMaxSize.zip>-------------------------------------------- -------------------------
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