> I do have SSH 3.2.0 http://www.ssh.com

> But, with that program I have another kind of difficulty:
> by itself it generates keys of some format not recognized
> by ssh server running on cvs.apache.org.

See: http://www.ices.utexas.edu/adminworld/sshinterop.html#5

I had to do the same thing, since I use SSH 3.1.1.

> In fact icarus only likes "ssh 1.1" keys.

Not true.  I use SSH protocol 2 with the ASF servers, and public key
authentication.  Here is mine:

 $ cd .ssh
 $ ls -l
  total 2
  -rw-r--r--  1 noel  noel  606 Oct 30  2002 authorized_keys2
  -rw-r--r--  1 noel  noel  936 Feb 22 23:22 known_hosts
  $ cat auth*
  ssh-dss [clip] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let me know if that helps.

        --- Noel

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