Brent Worden wrote:
The only issues I have are with the UnivariateRealSolverFactory class.  I
feel there should be a separation of the factory method and the solve
methods.  I don't think the solve method belong on a factory.  They are more
appropriately placed (do I dare say) in a SolverUtils utility type class.

Also, for the factory to provide its intended flexibility, I would
reimplement it using the abstract factory design pattern.  This allows the
factory to be swapped in and out at the user's leisure.

I'll take this into account when I'm rewriting the code.

That makes sense.  I would suggest moving ConvergenceException out of
org.apache.commons.math.analysis because I think we'll eventually have a
cyclical package dependency with org.apache.commons.math.util as
ContinuedFraction depends on ConvergenceException.

Well, cyclic dependencies are not the same headache in Java as in other programming environments, but it is usually a good idea to place basic stuff used across several packages into an own package.


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