On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 20:51, David Graham wrote:
> --- John McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I recently noticed that the cpdsadapter package needs to be fixed wrt
> > the Statement.getConnection() method.  It will currently return the
> > underlying physical Connection object as opposed to the logical
> > Connection which was used to create the Statement.
> Can you explain the uses of the cpdsadapter classes?  Having multiple
> implementations like this seems counter productive.

In jdbc2+, a connection pool would not normally wrap a DataSource or
Driver.  The specification is written so that vendors supply a
ConnectionPoolDataSource (CPDS) which would normally be used by a
pooling DataSource.

Jdbc2PoolDataSource is written to use a CPDS.  I created
DriverAdapterCPDS, so that it can still be used with jdbc
implementations that do not yet implement the newer specification.

The jdbc2 specification for a Connection object returned by
CPDS.getPooledConnection().getConnection() is that it should always
return a new object, only one should be open at any given time, and
after Connection.close() is called that object is no longer usable.

john mcnally

john mcnally

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