As far as I'm concerned the *.primitives.* packages are ready for release
at any time.  Indeed, I use them regularly in production systems (via
Axion <> and others), and the non-deprecated code
has 100% coverage according to clover.

It may be reasonable, but not required in my mind, to "clone" the
IntCollections utilities to the other primitive types.

Also, it might be worth considering releasing
commons-collections-primitives.jar independent from
commons-collections.jar.  There is no association between anything "under"
primitives and anything "over" it--they are completely independent except
for the testing framework.

- Rod <>

On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Tim O'Brien wrote:

> <snip/>
> "rolling" could be implemented using a version of
> CircularFifoBuffer which could accept double primitives.
> It would be important to gauge the "Readiness" of the o.a.c.collections.primitives
> classes.  Is there an sense of a timeline for the next collections release?
> Until we get an answer to that, I'd recommend that commons-math not add
> a dependency to the SNAPSHOT for collections.
> Tim
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