David Graham wrote:
That is not a good reason IMHO to prevent those who feel it is a very
important feature from including a sub class which supports this with
the DBCP release.

The fact that DBCP cannot reliably determine whether a connection has been
abandoned is a very good reason to not include that feature.  Only the
apps know how they will be using connections and consequently, only the
apps have enough information to determine when a connection is abandoned.

This discussion is old.  We already decided not to include this feature
with DBCP but compromised on a design that allows this behavior to be
plugged in and perhaps log possible leaks.

Yes the discussion is old, and I apologized for jumping in late.

This isn't a new discussion. The support for tracking abandoned connections
wasn't snuck in.  This was discussed on this list and consensus reached to
add support for tracking abandoned connections to DBCP 1.0 in Feb 2002.

From my reading of all the messages in the current thread there are a
number of people in both camps.  There are valid arguments on each side.

But I don't see where a consensus was reached.  There were some proposals
made and some good ideas tossed around.  But there definitely wasn't a
VOTE on a proposed set of changes for DBCP 2.0.

I did see votes for three new commons committers who have volunteered
to work on DBCP 2.0.  Thats great.

I for one would like to see a proposal made and voted on for DBCP 2.0.
I also think that when there is a design issue being discussed where
consensus can not be reached there should be a VOTE.



Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
MOREnet System Programming               |  * if iz ina coment.      |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */                       |

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