> I fess up, I am the guilty party who added the ability to trace
> abandoned
> connections and recover them. ;-)
> Sorry to jump in late on this.  I have been busy with other things.
> The motivation behind this was to allow a servlet container to continue
> operating normally even if you have customers who either wrote crappy
> code themselves or hired consultants who wrote crappy code.  This helps
> improve servlet container availability in these situations and logs
> information which can help track down the problem.  The only solution
> when crappy code causes problems with exhausting the connection pool is
> to stop and restart the container.  I don't know about you, but I don't
> like getting paged in the evening or on weekends due to someone elses
> crappy code.
> I can appreciate the arguments for a cleaner DBCP implementation.
> And refactoring its design to clean it up can be a good thing.
> But the ability to track and close abandoned db connections is vital
> from my perspective.  I strongly urge that the ability to do this
> be retained in DBCP.  If the refactored core of DBCP allows this
> by subclasssing it, great.  But those sub classes to support this
> should be released with DBCP.

I strongly disagree.  You getting paged due to someone's poor coding
abilities is outside the scope of DBCP.  There are much more effective
ways of preventing pages than by developing a library that covers up
coding mistakes so that they persist indefinitely.

DBCP should be designed in a way that allows behaviors to be plugged in
which includes grabbing "abandoned" connections.  This should absolutely
not be shipped with DBCP because there is no reasonable way for it to know
what is abandoned in every situation.


> Regards,
> Glenn
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