
> I do not think it is good idea to maintain any kind of public API for
> "abandoned connections", It is garbage,
> If application or server is not broken, it doe's not need workarounds.

It is easy for you to say this, but the fact remains that a number of people
are quite vocal in their support for it, it is wrong for us to ignore the
needs of _all_ users, particularly if we are talking about removing
functionality which already exists and is in use.

Therefore there we have four options:

1/ We vote and the winning proposal is implemented leaving everyone else
2/ We retain the status quo
3/ Someone makes a change without the general consent of the group
4/ We reach a compromise.

1 is the Apache way.
2 is ignoring the issue.
3 is unacceptable and would cause trouble.
4 is surely the most reasonable course of action to take.

Now I know you favour dropping support, others don't.
What would you say if we retained it?
What would they say if we dropped it?

Alternatively Serge's proposal is a proposal for compromise, I was
attempting to provide some support for the proposal by detailing one
possible way in which a compromise can be accomodated, allowing both sets of
users to have DBCP behave in the way they favour without breaking it for the

If you believe my suggestions are garbage I suggest you help the process by
suggesting an alternative compromise as it looks likely that only a
compromise will be generally acceptable.


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