Do we really need a webapp and database for static content?
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 13/08/2003 10:40:49 AM:

> One way to maintain Jakarta web sites, such as commons, of course is to 
> use a CMS system.
> Store XML in a database (such as PostgreSQL), and edit remotely, flag as 

> approved, have it pre-render to HTML, and have a jSTL emit it. Since 
> content is in DB, it is easy to manager. Since it's a web app, it is 
> easy to modify. Of course, ver fast.
> Here is one example of Open Source CMS w/ a working URL:
> See the url?
> This makes a call to db to retrieve this content where = "DEVELOPMENT".
> (Of course DB is cached auto by DAO so no ping if no change)
> Realy, change the web site is easy, it's a lot like Wiki, except it has 
> J2EE JDBC realms as to who can author and who can approve.
> .V
> Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> > On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Glenn Nielsen wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 21:56:46 -0500
> >>From: Glenn Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Reply-To: Jakarta Commons Developers List 
> >>To: Jakarta Commons Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: Re: [docs] Crappy build system
> >>
> >>Henri Yandell wrote:
> >>
> >>>Jakarta Commons build system for the website is very very crappy.
> >>>Regardless of whether things move to Maven or some other look and 
> >>>I'd like to check in the jars needed so that people don't have to go
> >>>around hunting in jakarta-velocity, jakarta-site2 and who knows where
> >>>else.
> >>>
> >>>Is anyone against this? Is there some reason for the current 
> >>>setup?
> >>>
> >>
> >>-1 to checking the jars into CVS
> > 
> > 
> > Agreed.  Changing the site generaton process to use Maven would 
> > any need for this.
> > 
> > Of course, so would using standard XML technologies like XSLT, but I'm 
> > going to volunteer to maintain the Commons site sources, so I'm not 
> > to go there :-).
> > 
> > Craig
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