Here are a few things that need to happen:

1) The action items in STATUS.html need to be addressed. The first (Review
Abstractions) is especially important, since we need to set the right
"tone" for Resources before it goes out into the big wide world as an
official release. IMNSHO, there is still some serious work needed here
(which I'm willing to contribute to).

2) It looks like the build process needs to be sorted out. Currently, this
appears to be in a no-mans land, with a manually constructed Ant build
file, and a partially functional Maven build file. My preference would be
to move to a Maven build with a generated Ant build file. This really
makes the release process easier, and makes updating the web site a snap.

3) Once we feel that the overall architecture is in place, and the code is
in pretty good shape for a release, then we need to propose a vote to move
Resources out of the sandbox and into Commons Proper.

4) After we get to Commons Proper, we need to go through Beta and Release
Candidate stages to make sure we're addressing the needs of those clients
who will pick us up in Proper who would not have paid attention to us in
the Sandbox. (My experience with other Commons components has taught me
just how important this is to a successful release.)

It's really important to realise that a lack of bug reports does not mean
the software is ready for a public release, especially when that software
is in the sandbox. The sandbox is a playground for experimentation, and
lots of (potentially drastic) changes can happen before the component is
deemed ready for public consumption.

Don't get me wrong - I would really like to see a Resources 1.0 release.
In fact, I'd be quite happy to be the Release Manager for it. I just think
we have some work ahead of us before we're ready for that.

Martin Cooper

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Rob Leland wrote:

> James Mitchell wrote:
> >Unless I did something wrong, my search for issues on bugzilla turns up
> >nothing, and I'm not sure what to make of <issueTrackingUrl> in project.xml.
> >Does it mean that we should be using
> > or is it something that was
> >just carried over when someone was creating this file?
> >
> >Using Maven to build and run the tests on this project fails.
> > * Running "ant test" (with appropriate will compile and
> >test fine.
> > * Running "maven" will compile fine, but does not copy the required
> >.properties and
> >   .xml files needed by the tests.
> >
> >I don't know enough about Maven to determine whether this is configuration
> >issue or a bug.
> >
> >So, with that out of the way, what exactly is stopping us from releasing
> >commons-resources?
> >Do we need more tests?  Is there a checklist somewhere that I'm missing?
> >
> >
> >
> James:
> Did anyone reply to this message, as to what needs to be done for a
> release ?
> --
> -----
> Rob Leland (703-525-3580)
> Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day of your life.
>  -Confucius.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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