Henri Yandell wrote:
Yeah. This bug has me baffled. I've never had this problem with other
mavenised projects, and this has been happening in multiple versions of
maven [at least since b7].


Seems to go away (for me at least) when I cut out the empty <id> elements for the contributors (which I think are unexpected). I will fix this when I commit the changes that I mentioned earlier tomorrow AM.


On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Gary Gregory wrote:

I think there could be something's wrong with project.xml processing. The
page http://www.apache.org/~bayard/commons-lang-2.0/maven/team-list.html
lists 2 contributors project.xml but the 1st person (Ringo De Smet) is
listed twice and the 2nd (Steve Downey) is not listed at all.


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