>>>The e-mail package, as I look at it, only allows to send.
>>>But to receive, I am having to use commons-net.
>Thanks. At first glance it looked as James was only a mail server.
>I will try the POP jar.

Oh!  LOL  I misunderstood what you meant by "receive" mail.  I didn't
realize that you meant to PULL it.  We actually use commons.net, ourselves,
in the FetchPOP code, to pull e-mail as configured.  I thought that you
wanted to receive it, i.e., to have mail sent to you via the SMTP protocol.

FWIW, you might also look at JavaMail.  We have deprecated our FetchPOP
code, and replaced it with a "Fetchmail" service, built on using JavaMail
service providers.

        --- Noel

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