On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> the usual rule is that sandbox components cannot be released. this has
> worked very well in the past and i'd be very reluctant to see exceptions
> without compelling reasons.

+1. 'Release' to me means that it is a supported release.

However, code has been released to the public in an unsupported state for
ages. Maven's repo has versions of projects which were not released by the
project [dev, snapshot etc]. Struts regularly tag the Lang CVS with tags
which Lang do not officially support as we did not release them. The
nightly build is another unsupported release.

Personally I think Leo should just use one of these grey-release scenarios
to output an unsupported release.

Will a 1.0-beta really be any different than a telling people to use the
nightly build to start with? I guess the difference is that a 1.0-beta is
stable while the nightly will change. This isn't bad though, as having
people using nightly is where Apache gets its implementation of release
early, release often.

> putting commons-attributes in a state where it *can* be released is an
> important stage in gaining promotion. momentum is also an important factor.
>   commons components are small and so communities don't need to be as large
> as for more ambitious products.

+1. Will do far more for the project than some kind of semi-official beta

> there are a couple of simple things that have worked for components in the
> past. the first is sorting out the documentation and the web site. the
> attributes web sites hasn't been updated for almost a year and doesn't
> contain a lot of information. the second is putting something into the
> apache newsletter.

Good ideas.


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