From: "Phil Steitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Grr. Just discovered another wonderful "feature" when implementing a
> test for this.  Since the algorithm for index(map, i) first tries to
> find Integer(i) as a key in the map, if you use a TreeMap to test, this
> throws a ClassCastException unless the keys in the map are Integers.
> I guess this is more or less implied by the javadoc, which describes the
> algorithm, but I am thinking now that it might be better to catch the
> ClassCastException (or maybe even Exception) in the first attempted
> lookup and let it drop through to the iterator. This would make the
> method usable for Sorted Maps with non-integer keys.  Any objections to
> this change?

+1, however the more I look......

An alternative would be to deprecate it and write a version on IteratorUtils
that only has the index(Object, int) syntax. I have no idea who would use
this method, and it is just seriously weird.

A sensible API would be:
Gets the nth index in the object specified. The object may be an array,
collection, iterator, enumeration or map. Returns null if no matching


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