What do you think Phil, is a vote for deprecation with no replacement desirable?

You're the one who sparked the discussion, I was just chiming in with some general noise.

Stephen Colebourne wrote:

Yes, change can be good, and deprecating and changing does happen. The
trouble with removing is that there is nowhere for users to go to. And we
just don't know who the users are.

There is some useful functionality here. Its a little odd, but perhaps in a
untyped system like [beanutils] or [el], this kind of method might be

Perhaps you should start a vote for deprecation no replacement?


----- Original Message -----
From: "__matthewHawthorne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't understand why we are obligated to keep _any_ method.  If we
don't like it, why not deprecate it for 3.0 and remove in 4.0?

I hear a lot of this in commons, that things can't be changed or removed
due to backwards compatibility.  I think it's unfortunate that methods
and concepts defined in a 2.0 version of a component must live on for
its entire life, no matter how outdated or inconsistent they are.

Isn't this what major-numbered releases are for?  To make revolutionary
changes when needed?  I think a more aggressive attitude toward change,
when necessary, can be of great benefit to not only the component
itself, but also the users, if we can get past the momentary annoyance
of change.  I may be naive, but I still think that change can be good.

Stephen Colebourne wrote:

I don't have as strong reservations as you. I would suggest that the


should assume that the iterator order of a Collection/Map remains


so long as no new elements are added. Sure its not in the interface, but


generally true.

I see this method as being one we wouldn't allow into [collections] now,


as we have it we must keep it. So its about making it as good as


Not ideal, but thats history for you :-(


----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Steitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


from:    Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Certainly better than the current method.  In the case of a Map, by


"matching element", which do you mean

a) the nth element of the keySet (like now)
b) the nth Map.Entry of the entrySet (best, IMHO) or
c) the value of the nth entry of the entrySet?

(b) seems best.


I started work on this, but I am hesitating for three reasons:

1) My initial reservations about the index method being applied to
unordered maps/collections.  The test cases can only check that
index(obj, index) returns an element of obj.  Strictly speaking, we
cannot even guarantee that calling index(obj, index) in a loop will
effectively iterate the map/collection, or that if i and j are distinct,
index(obj, i) will be different from index(obj, j). Both of these
require assumptions about consistency in iterator order that are not
part of the Map or Collection interface contracts. All of this points to
the inappropriateness of the API for these kinds of objects, IMO.

2) I am not sure that this method fits in IteratorUtils.

3) Essentially the same functionality is available by using the
IteratorUtils getIterator and toList methods (with the exception that
for a Map, getIterator returns an iterator over the values in the map,
rather than the entrySet).

I suggest therefore that we deprecate the index methods in
CollectionUtils and that we do not replace them.


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