
new to jelly.

i am trying to do some very simplistic stuff with Jelly.

i got a basic script working, doing a <define> for a little bean and calling 
the script from some simple java code that creates a context and runs the 

worked great.

i then wanted to see how i could execute a jelly script from within a script.

i assume that <include> or <import> is the way to do this ?

so i tried it by creating a _very_ simple wrapper script for the first script 
i wrote that works great.

when i execute the wrapper script, i get NoClassDefFound errors complaining 
about classes for some of the taglibs that jelly supports ... such as JMS for 

i am not referencing JMS tags in any way.

i don't have this problem when i execute the script standalone.

i don't understand.


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to obtain a little temporary safety deserve
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