This might be a better post for the user list, but if you post a sample of
your scripts it might be easier to tell what's going on.

I've had good luck with this structure:

file: parent.jelly:

<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core">
 <j:include uri="child.jelly"/>

file: child.jelly:

<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:log="jelly:log">
 <log:debug name="mylog">Hello World!</log:debug>

but that's with a slightly old version of jelly.  I suspect this should
still work.

The semantics of include vs. import aren't quite the same as the XSLT
notions.  As far as I can tell both include and import are more
functionally equivalent to the <jsp:include/> tag--they'll invoke a
different, stand-alone script.

- Rod <>

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Tony Pelton wrote:

> hi,
> new to jelly.
> i am trying to do some very simplistic stuff with Jelly.
> i got a basic script working, doing a <define> for a little bean and calling
> the script from some simple java code that creates a context and runs the
> script.
> worked great.
> i then wanted to see how i could execute a jelly script from within a script.
> i assume that <include> or <import> is the way to do this ?
> so i tried it by creating a _very_ simple wrapper script for the first script
> i wrote that works great.
> when i execute the wrapper script, i get NoClassDefFound errors complaining
> about classes for some of the taglibs that jelly supports ... such as JMS for
> instance.
> i am not referencing JMS tags in any way.
> i don't have this problem when i execute the script standalone.
> i don't understand.
> Tony

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