
I am using commons-functor to build a network simulator (based upon an
XML document modified through procedures and validated against
predicates each cycle). I had to develop several additions to
commons-functor and I thought I could donate them to commons-functor.

There are several functors but here are IMHO the most relevant ones:

 - class Predicates: Predicates utility methods

public static Or or(Collection predicates);
public static And and(Collection predicates);

As there is no constructor for Or/And predicates with a collection as
parameter, these methods provide a way to get them.

 - class WhileDoProcedure: loop procedure

The constructor takes a condition (Predicate) and an action (Procedure).
The run() method loops, each time testing the condition and running the

 - class WhileDoProcedure: loop procedure

Same as above but the running the action and then test the condition.

Note: the two last classes extend AbstractLoopProcedure

There are some others but I need to classify them and decide which ones
are generic enough to be part of commons-functor...

Obviously, I will provide everything with complete Javadoc support and
test cases whenever it is relevant.



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