I did not take sandbox commits into account, since the sandbox is open to
any jakarta, or indeed, apache commmitter.

I.e., I was treating jakarta-commons-sandbox as a different kind of

So, so far we're moving Ted and Arun over to the active category.

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Martin Cooper wrote:

> I'm OK with this in principle. However, there would appear to be a bug in
> the process used to determine the initial list. For example, Ted Husted
> has been active quite recently:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=jakarta-commons-dev&m=106502784302590&w=2
> Perhaps you did not take sandbox commits into account?
> --
> Martin Cooper
> On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Rodney Waldhoff wrote:
> > There is a perception in some circles that Jakarta as a whole, and Jakarta
> > Commons in particular, is too large for sufficient PMC oversight.   In my
> > opinion, particularly with respect to Jakarta Commons, this is not the
> > case, but one way to combat that perception is to recognize that although
> > the CVS avail file lists 72 committers for the jakarta-commons repository
> > (see http://cvs.apache.org/~rwaldhoff/jakarta/jakarta-committers.html),
> > not all of those folks are actively working in Jakarta Commons anymore.
> > Removing inactive committers from the avail file (and naming them emeritus
> > committers) is one way to recognize that fact.
> >
> > The jakarta guidelines state "At times, Committers may go inactive for a
> > variety of reasons. A Committer that has been inactive for 6 months or
> > more may lose their status as a Committer. Getting access back is as
> > simple as re-requesting it on the project's Developer mailing list."
> > <http://jakarta.apache.org/site/roles.html>
> >
> > The following 16 folks are listed in the CVS avail file, but have not made
> > any commits in the past year (since 13 Nov 2002):
> >
> > amamment - Arun Mammen Thomas
> > arron - Arron Bates
> > conor - Conor MacNeill
> > dsale - Doug Sale
> > dwinterfeldt - David Winterfeldt
> > hammant - Paul Hammant
> > husted - Ted Husted
> > jariw - jariw AT hyperlink-interactive DOT co DOT uk
> > jefft - Jeff Turner
> > marcsaeg - Marc Saegesser
> > mas - Michael Smith
> > nacho - Ignacio J. Ortega
> > noel - Noel J. Bergman
> > paulo - Paulo Gaspar
> > serge - Serge Knystautas
> > vmassol - Vincent Massol
> >
> > It may be that some of these folks have been "active" in non-CVS ways, for
> > instance, by posting to the commons-user or commons-dev lists, I haven't
> > checked (nor am I exactly sure how I could programmaticly check that).
> >
> > Removing those 16 would reduce the number of active committers to 56, a
> > more that 20% reduction in the perceived size of jakarta-commons (by that
> > metric at least).
> >
> > Just to clarify, I have no issues with any or all of those folks
> > maintaining access to the jakarta-commons CVS module, nor is this some
> > sort of judgment of a lack of activity (indeed there are a number of folks
> > on that list that I have a lot of respect for).  Rather, this is a
> > recognition that those folks have moved on for the time being and an
> > attempt to make the perceived size of Jakarta Commons more accurately
> > reflect the reality of the matter.  As the guidelines state, a simple post
> > to commons-dev would be all that is needed to restore direct CVS access
> > and reverse the inactive status.
> >
> > The Proposal:
> >
> > Unless anyone on that list wants to declare themselves "active" right now
> > (or someone else can vouch for some sort of commons related activity in
> > the past year or so), let's invoke that paragraph of the jakarta
> > guidelines and declare these folks "inactive" committers.  Specifically,
> > let's:
> >
> > (1) remove those folks from the avail file and
> >
> > (2) add an "emeritus committers" page (or section of some existing page)
> > to the jakarta-commons website that acknowledges their contributions and
> > indicates the mechanism by which they can once again get CVS access.
> >
> >
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