Quoting Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Nope, I guess not.
> On 23.11.2003 10:34:38 Henri Yandell wrote:
> > 
> > As the site is using maven, is there any need to keep the old build
> > system?     [build.properties, build.properties.sample, build.xml]
> > 
> > It'll only get out of date if maven is the main build system [and vice
> > versa].
> Jeremias Maerki

If you want your jakarta-commons nightly builds to continue to work, you'll need
to keep the old build mechanism -- updating my scripts to work with the
packages that are Maven-built versus not is on my TODO list, but nowhere near
the top of the priorities.

Keeping build.xml in sync is straightforward (since Maven will generate one for
you), but is still a necessary step for this purpose.


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