+1, with other changes people have mentioned.
I hope that we can promote some other sandbox components too over the next
few months.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Pugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Commons-Dev (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 10:04 AM
Subject: [VOTE] Promote Configuration to Commons Proper

> Configuration exhibits all of the qualities of a component that should be
> Commons proper:
> - It's small and focused.
> - It's API is well defined
> - It has a group of existing Jakarta committers providing code, ideas, and
> support.
> - It has good unit test coverage. It has also been tested in real world
> database applications.
> - It has automated nightly builds, website, and Maven all working
> - It has incubated in the sandbox for long enough to become stable
> Configuration is a mature component that should move to Commons proper so
> can be released to the public.  Here's my +1.
> The website has additional information:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/configuration/index.html
> Here's the component proposal for reference:
> (0) Rationale
> Configuration is a project to provide a generic Configuration interface
> allow the source of the values to vary. It provides easy typed access to
> single, as well as lists of configuration values based on a 'key'.
> (1) Scope of the Package
> This proposal is to create a package of Java utility classes for
> implementing a simple Configuration object.  Configuration will remain
> environment agnostic, focusing on just providing Configuration values.  It
> does not provide any time of IoC style configuration of objects.
> (1.5) Interaction With Other Packages
> Configuration relies only on standard Java 1.3 (or later) APIs for
> production deployment.  It utilizes the JUnit testing framework for
> developing and executing unit tests, but this is of interest only to
> developers of the component. It is built using Maven.
> No external configuration files are utilized.
> (2) Initial Source of the Package
> This code has been in Sandbox for over a year, and was originally
> in the Apache JServ project, then in Turbine, then in Velocity, and
> ended up in the sandbox.
> The proposed package name for the new component is
> <code>org.apache.commons.configuration</code>.
> (3)  Required Jakarta-Commons Resources
> CVS Repository - New directory dbutils in the jakarta-commons CVS
> repository.
> Mailing List - Discussions will take place on the general
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.  To help list subscribers
> identify messages of interest, it is suggested that the message subject of
> messages about this component be prefixed with [configuration].
> Issue Tracking - Currently scarab on Nagoya is being used
> (http://nagoya.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/) however maybe this
> be moved to BugZilla?
> (4) Initial Committers
> The initial committers on the DBUtils component shall be:
> Eric Pugh
> Henning P. Schmiedehausen
> Martin Poeschl
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