I know exactly how you feel. The basic problem is that Jakarta, and
Jakarta-Commons, are now incapable of taking any decisions on contentious
issues. They are too large - too large for the discussion, too many mails,
too many personalities and and inability to hold a vote.

IMHO, the only hope is for individual products to choose to move to TLP
(lucene, slide and struts I'm hoping for). In effect, I'm hoping (praying)
that other products will then see the light and want to escape.

And then I suspect the final battle will commence - J-C vs Tomcat for the
Jakarta name. During this time, there will be little coding, much fustration
and community damage. I'll say again - the Board could avoid this damage by
choosing to ACT rather than REACT.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Steitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So here is my plea.  Either someone propose a [VOTE] to force all Jakarta
> components to merge with existing TLPs or become TLPs or we (Jakarta
> community) get back to work on fixing the following problems:
> 1. Signed CLAs from all committers
> 2. All active committers join the Jakarta PMC
> 3. Define oversight responsibilities for Jakarta PMC members in general
> and for j-c in particular, ensuring that we have sufficient oversight for
> each j-c component
> 4. Fix the j-c web site, agreeing with infrastructure@ on what needs to go
> in CVS (short term and long term) and when and how we "mavenize"
> 5. Get released versions out for all components that other Apache projects
> depend on
> 6. Update the j-c charter and release process docs to reflect current
> practices
> 7. Everything else that I forgot :-)
> Phil
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