Sorry for not replying to the thread started by Eric Pugh at,
but I've only just joined commons-dev as suggested to me by Yoav on
We were discussing a related topic there.

I've gone through signifcant efforts to extend commons-fileupload using
Listener interfaces
in order to support a progress bar to no avail. I researched what others
have done,
including but not limited to
(which, by the way, seems to redistribute commons-fileupload without any
mention of Apache).

I do not see how this problem can be tackled without writing one's own (or
extending another)
servlet container. There is currently no way in the servlet spec to know the
number of bytes
that have been read as a ServletRequest is being processed. By the time
Servlet.service() or
Filter.doFilter() are called, the *entire* InputStream has been read from
the socket, leaving no
way to provide user feedback during the upload.

I could be totally off base here, and if I am, I'd appreciate it if someone
would show me the light.

Thank you,
Eric H. Jung

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