Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

> Why don't the various commons groups in the ASF just have the AC PMC
> add things on the A-C site and 'federate' that way?  The respective
> PMCs would still do what they do - oversee the projects - and the AC
> PMC can maintain the website.

I don't see why not.  That seems like a reasonable example, and way to
explore this idea we've been talking about.  Regardless of whether the PMC
is Jakarta, XML, WS, A-C, J-C, etc. the A-C site could serve as a portal to
commons code.

FWIW, if codec wants to start using Subversion, why not?  I think that it is
important for everyone to start being exposed to it, even vicariously via
seeing discussion and commit notices.

        --- Noel

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