In response to Simon and Yoav's points about doing this with maven, I think it is quite possible. We already have <contributors/> in the POM, and I think a slight change to the changes plugin [1] would allow us to account peoples' patches effectively. Perhaps an optional attribute to the <action/> tage named submitted-by or something. Then, a custom goal in maven.xml (or a new plug in) would allow us to generate patch reports for non-committers.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks


Simon Kitching wrote:

If there is a website that contributors can point to and say
"look, that's me" (eg for CVs) then I agree that author tags are not
necessary. And the less clutter in the source files the better. Some
system where the maven site had a list of contributors ordered by # of
patches committed would be ideal though I can't immediately see how to
implement that.

and Shapira, Yoav wrote:

We want to attract these new contributors, and this is a nice perk.
Yes, it's in the changelog, but that's not as easy to find for all
projects.  I suppose we could put every contributor's name on a web page
somewhere, but that's at least as much of a pain to maintain, because
now you have at least two people involved: the contributor and the
committer who has to edit the web page listing the contributors.

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