Check out [convert] for these complaints Ron.

The lookup structure is changed so that the From and the To are specified
[though it defaults to a From of String to help the beanutils guys].

I thought I made a stab at the smart completion, ie) If asked for A->C and
only have A-B and B-C, then it does it, but I may have just commented it
as a TODO.

Will attempt to check when I get a night free from work.


On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Ron Blaschke wrote:

> Monday, January 19, 2004, 11:34:36 PM, you wrote:
> SK> On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 11:07, Ron Blaschke wrote:
> >> I am posting this here because I think commons would be the
> >> right place to put such a library.  Please tell me if it's not.
> >>
> >> The idea is to allow conversion for (almost?) any object into another.
> >> I'd like to see code such as this working:
> SK> Have you looked at ConvertUtils in the BeanUtils library yet?
> SK>
> SK> It does pretty much what you describe here. You may wish to look at
> SK> that, then send a mail describing how your ideas differ from what is
> SK> already there..
> In ConvertUtils, the conversion relies a lot on JDK implementations,
> which is quite "relaxed."  Eg, Integer(128) -| Byte(-128),
> Double(1.3d) -| Integer(1), etc.  I'd like to see a more configurable
> approach, for example:
> strict: "1.23" -| Integer   ... not possible, raise Exception
> relaxed: "1.23" -| Integer(1)   ... seems ok
> or:
> strict: Integer(128) -| Byte    ... no way! raise Exception
> relaxed: Integer(128) -| Byte(127) ... close enough
> The converter should enable transitive conversions, that is if one
> converter knows about A to B conversion, and another from B to C, both
> together should know about A to C.  In the Seconds example, it would
> suffice for the user supplied Seconds converter to know about
> Integers to allow conversion from String via Integer to Second.
> In ConvertUtil, the converter must know about all possible conversions
> (well, most of it is handed off to Java, which is ok, but I'd rather
> not go down that lane.)
> That's all that is on top of my head.  For more, I'd have to dig a day
> or so. :-)
> Ron
> --
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