Yes, that's the correct output.  The big thing is that you want
0 Failures and 0 Errors (Errors are caused by uncaught exceptions,
where failures are deliberate calls to assert() methods)

JUnit is a very good testing framework, and it pays to know it,
as it's pretty much the de-facto standard for creating test code
in java.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric MacAdie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 1:59 AM
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: [math] Still trying to get started

I emailed a few weeks ago about getting involved with Commons Math. One 
suggestion was to look at some of the tests. I have never used JUnit, 
and it's a bit hard to run tests that I don't understand when I am 
testing something else that I do not understand.

Anyway, I looked up some JUnit documentation and wrote a class that runs 
the tests in org.apache.commons.math.special.BetaTest. I just wanted 
some confirmation that I am able to run some of these tests properly. I 
included the output and the code below.

Am I correct in assuming that when the output is "Time: 0.001  OK (17 
tests)  Test failures: 0" that all the tests ran correctly? The pages I 
found used the JUnit GUI for output. They really don't talk much about 
the text output at


In method RunBetaTests.runAllMethodsInSuite()
Test failures: 0
Using another instance of TestRunner
Time: 0.001
OK (17 tests)
Test failures: 0
End method runAllMethodsInSuite
In method runAnotherTypeOfTest
Time: 0.004
OK (17 tests)
Number of failures: 0
End method runAnotherTypeOfTest
In method runBetaTest001
Time: 0.002
OK (1 test)
Test failures: 0
In method runBetaTest002
Time: 0
OK (17 tests)
End method runBetaTest002

    public void runAllMethodsInSuite() {
"-----------------------------------------------" );
        System.out.println( "In method 
RunBetaTests.runAllMethodsInSuite()" );
        TestSuite suite= new TestSuite();
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaNanPositivePositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaPositiveNanPositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaPositivePositiveNan" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaNegativePositivePositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaPositiveNegativePositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaPositivePositiveNegative" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaZeroPositivePositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaPositiveZeroPositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaPositivePositiveZero" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( 
"testRegularizedBetaPositivePositivePositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( "testLogBetaNanPositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( "testLogBetaPositiveNan" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( "testLogBetaNegativePositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( "testLogBetaPositiveNegative" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( "testLogBetaZeroPositive" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( "testLogBetaPositiveZero" ) );
        suite.addTest( new BetaTest( "testLogBetaPositivePositive" ) 
        TestResult result = new TestResult(); result );
        System.out.println( "Test failures: " + result.failureCount() );
        System.out.println( "Using another instance of TestRunner" );
        junit.textui.TestRunner runner = new junit.textui.TestRunner();
        TestResult result002 = runner.doRun( suite, false );
        System.out.println( "Test failures: " + result002.failureCount() );
        System.out.println( "End method runAllMethodsInSuite" );
    } // end method runAllMethodsInSuite
    public void runAnotherTypeOfTest() {
"-----------------------------------------------" );
        System.out.println( "In method runAnotherTypeOfTest" );
        TestSuite suite= new TestSuite( BetaTest.class );
        // TestResult result001 = new TestResult();
        // result001 );
        junit.textui.TestRunner runner002 = new junit.textui.TestRunner();
        TestResult result001 = runner002.doRun( suite, false );
        System.out.println( "Number of failures: " + 
result001.failureCount() );
        System.out.println( "End method runAnotherTypeOfTest" );
    } // end method runAnotherTypeOfTest
    public void runBetaTest001() {
"-----------------------------------------------" );
        System.out.println( "In method runBetaTest001" );
        BetaTest bTest = new BetaTest( "testLogBetaPositiveNegative" );
        junit.framework.TestResult bTestResult = bTest );
        System.out.println( "Test failures: " + 
bTestResult.failureCount() );
    } // end method runBetaTest001
    public void runBetaTest002() {
"-----------------------------------------------" );
        System.out.println( "In method runBetaTest002" );
        // BetaTest bTest = new BetaTest( "BetaTest002" );
        // this works - I think - but I don't know what it does BetaTest.class );
        System.out.println( "End method runBetaTest002" );
    } // end method runBetaTest002

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