On Jan 31, 2004, at 2:43 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
Brent Redeker wrote:
Yesterday, I had contacted the mailing lists saying I was interested in helping out with the Commons Math project. I received a helpful response from Mark Diggory. However, I now have some quick questions. (Please forgive me if the answer is already somewhere obvious.)
I love Eclipse, which also seems to be the preferred IDE for the project.

There is no dependency on Eclipse.

You are correct - but I already use it and it seems to be what several others are using. So it just seemed to be a logical choice.

I already figured out how to check out the CVS HEAD as a new
Eclipse project. I also disabled the project's standard build configuration, and switched to using the Math build.xml file with Ant inside Eclipse. However, Eclipse still flags many things as errors - all related to package declarations or finding classes. Does anybody know how to turn off these errors?

Most likely what Eclipse is complaining about is missing external dependencies. I am not an Eclipse expert (actually just switched over from NetBeans a few weeks ago), but what I do is use
Project Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External Jars
to add the jars including the missing class definitions. I symlink the .maven/repository so the Eclipse directory browser can see the jars and just link directly to the jars in the local maven repo (once you get the maven build working, they will be there). The dependencies are enumerated in project.xml. I don't know if this is the best way to do it but it works4me.

Actually, my problem was that I was using a default Eclipse project, and the source directory was just set to the project directory. But inside that was the src/ directory, then java/ (or experimental or test), and THEN the actual Java package directory hierarchy. This made Eclipse think the declared packages were at odds with the actual directory structure. Michael Gloegl answered this in an earlier reply (when I mistakenly omitted the [math] from my subject line) - I just had to explicitly define the source directories for Eclipse.

As to your suggestion of the Add External Jars, so far I had not run into problems, since Ant was automatically fetching the necessary jars for me. However, it sounds like I'm best off getting Maven working; then I'll just try your system.

Also, how does one set up a project to build with Maven? I have Maven installed, but I only checked out the Commons Math code from CVS. The project.xml file appears to want a project.xml file in the parent directory, so I am assuming that file is part of Jakarta Commons in general. So what additional modules should I be checking out?
All of Commons? Is there a way to just check out the general stuff and the Commons Math stuff, without checking out all of the other projects? (I am kind of new to CVS as well, so maybe this is an ignorant question...)

You are correct, for math's maven build to work, you need to have jakarta-commons/project.xml and you need your math checkout to be inside the jakarta-commons directory. If you don't want to co the entire jakarta-commons module, you can just co jakarta-commons/project.xml (see the full command here: http://jakarta.apache.org/site/cvsindex.html), then cd to jakarta-commons and co math from there, or you could even just create the jakarta-commons directory manually and grab the file from http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/jakarta-commons/ project.xml. You will also need jakarta-commons/xdocs to build the web site.

Ah ha! I kind of suspected I'd have to something like that. I just wasn't sure exactly what stuff I'd all actually need. Thanks for the heads-up on needing jakarta-commons/xdocs, too.

I don't know how to get Eclipse to do all of this. I just use the command line and point Eclipse at the directories.

Hope this helps.


It sure did help, Phil, thanks a lot for your time. Hope my "newbie-ness" isn't too exasperating.


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