Stephen Colebourne wrote:
I have to be honest and say that I don't like this tab style for commons. It
moves the page content too far down, and makes the links too important in my

Hmm, but, they ARE more important. Whats the most important thing I want to "navigate" when at the level of a subproject? In such a case the commons global content is really just "branding" and a means to get to another subproject. If I'm in the Math Project, I want to really have the "In project Navigation" very salient and obvious, I want it clearly obvious when I'm navigating in the subproject and when I'm leaving it.

(Technically/visually it looks nice though ;-)


One possibility is to consolidate the layout a little more and push it up out of the "Main" content section. One possibility is to attempt to structure/space the In Project Navigation more like this

ignore the hideous colors ;-)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I worked out the kinks on an alternate project navigation, please have a
look and comment:


1.) Navigation better integrated into page layout.
2.) Horizontal positioning at top of page more traditional for navigation.
3.) Strong CSS control over look and feel, 0% javascript
4.) Clearly separates "Shared Commons Navigation" from "Individual
Project Navigation".


1.) Limits number of items on a level to the width of the page
(although it does provide "wrapping" when items are greater than width).

2.) Currently limited to menus nested three levels deep.
(but easily extendable to more).
3.) Currently doesn't integrate custom project navigation.
(but could easily be adapted for such support, I had initially included
it, but encountered small issues with merging two separate "menu sets").

I think its important to clearly separate the "Projects Navigation" from the overall shared "Commons Navigation", I believe positioning them in very separate locations of the site gives the user a much clearer path and ease in determining the level of the site they are within.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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-- Mark Diggory Software Developer Harvard MIT Data Center

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