On 7 Mar 2004, at 23:18, Paul Libbrecht wrote:

On 6-Mar-04, at 11:43 Uhr, robert burrell donkin wrote:
he organized an apache licensed, clean room implementation of the required API (it's distributed as the JaxMeAPI).

That sounds great (I presume it's already into the ibliblio repository) but... does this mean that such an API is something that sort of replaces the javax.xxx packages ?
If yes I fear this would be blatant violation of quite an amoount of Sun licenses (as far as I've understood them), otherwise, how can there be an interface with the interesting name ??

(it's the jar that has an interesting name, not the classes. sorry for being a bit unclear.)

AIUI the sun license (for the JAXB specification) allows the creation of API implementations (in the javax.xxx package space) from the specification providing that they are pure (no extensions) and compliant, clean room implementations of the specification. what isn't allowed are works derived from the JAXB standard implementation (used to be called the reference implementation).

(IIRC the tomcat did something similar for one of the earlier servlet specifications.)

- robert

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