On 9 Mar 2004, at 23:08, Paul Libbrecht wrote:

On 9-Mar-04, at 23:54 Uhr, robert burrell donkin wrote:
the specification download grants a limited license to implement the specification (including classes with the javax package space) from the specification but it's easy and safer for an organization like apache to do this than an individual. dims (as web services chair) has access to legal resources and experience of clean room implementations.

But I'm not talking about releasing an implementation, just about releasing a .java and its compilation with package-name javax.

AIUI jaxme is an implementation of that specification and includes clean room implementation classes in the javax package. that's specifically allowed by the specification (you can download the specification and create a clean room implementation). of course, particular people may be prevented from creating clean room implementations (by previous license agreements) but providing you're haven't signed anything like that, you can create an implementation in the javax package space working from that specification.

i'm not an expert and you've now reached the end of my knowledge :)

dims and the web services pmc arranged the implementation and i think they probably know what they're doing.

- robert

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