--- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 22:40, Al Chou wrote:
> > --- Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 4. Similarly, I would like to create an "inference" or "test" subpackage 
> > > and put TestStatistic there.
> > 
> > +1  I wonder if there's a better name than those two.  I see Mark voted for
> > "test", but -- perhaps because I've never done much statistics -- that
> makes me
> > think that I'm looking at a JUnit "tests" directory tree.  A quick skim
> through
> > _NR_ chapter 14 didn't turn up any better names, though.
> > 
> good point, although we avoid "test" package names for JUnit tests in
> favor of the original package name of the class being tested, something
> I think is very smart to do. I'm not too picky here, I just picked test
> because its shorter, inference is more descriptive too. Along the same
> lines "distributions" could be confused with the the generic idea of a
> "distribution" of packages directory, maybe "probability is better
> there?

Right, though given that Java package names generally map to directory names,
there's room for confusion, especially given that we do have a standard "test"
directory paralleling "java" under "src".

> Maybe it should be organized more along the following lines?
> o.a.c.m.stat.probability...
> o.a.c.m.stat.univariate...
> o.a.c.m.stat.multivariate...
> o.a.c.m.stat.inference...

I'm not very picky about these names, either, as I'm not a
probability/statistics person, as I said before.  If others like the above,
that's fine by me.


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