--- Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pierre Auslander wrote:
> > Gents,
> > 
> > would it be of any interest to contribute sparse matrices (with iterative 
> > decomposition, solvers, etc.) to commons.math?
> > 
> > Some time ago I've implemented such a library in C++, using iterative 
> > algorithms. It allowed us to handle very large sparse matrices (e.g.
> 100'000 
> > by 100'000 correlation matrices used in risk management) in record space
> and 
> > time. I need now a Java version and think of translating the library and 
> > possibly contributing it to jakarta/commons.
> > 
> I think that this would make a good addition to commons-math (post 1.0).

I completely agree.


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